June 19th, 2023 Monthly Meeting

The regular monthly meeting of Local 433 was called to order at 7:35pm by President Ryan Shea.

There was a moment of silence for soldiers throughout the land who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

Due to new Executive Board members being elected, the Secretary & Treasurer’s reports were not read.

Chief Steward: Outstanding Grievances

MIS-02-21: Harry Fuchs denial of job bid. (Analyst Programmer) Authority states employee does not meet requirements. Letter of understanding from 2001 states that computer operators can move into this position under certain circumstances. Denied by Authority. Waiting on Arbitration date.

RC-04-21- Authority not utilizing employees on rotating shifts during outage at pump station. Union seeks employees be made whole and pump station manned 24hrs as per past practice. Denied by Authority. Waiting on Arbitration opinion.

UWUA-04-21- Unilateral change of work requirements for implementing Covid Vaccine. Pending Arbitration.

UWUA-03-21- Requiring a negative test to RTW from Covid. Authority is violating guidance in testing. All employees get time back or paid for unpaid days off. Info from Authority does not match what Union has.

CST-01-22: Unjust termination of Terrel Vause. Met with Authority, denied. Waiting on Arbitration decision.

McK-0005- Company did not call in to fill spot due to call off. Waiting on Arbitration opinion from Attorney.

M-02-2022- Gabe Kish Jr sent home after reporting yes to Covid question and negative test provided by Authority. Waiting on reply from Authority.

IW-03-22- Galiyas and Mendes unjust punishment. Received documented punishment disparate of prior punishment for same issue. Denied by Authority. Attorney opinion is to not go to Arbitration.

RC-05-22- Placing helper on boat with Doug Hrabosky instead of laborer. Union seeks laborer be placed on boat and credited time toward learner’s permit. Denied by Auth, fwd to attorney for opinion.

M-10-22- Journeyman posting. Union believes the Authority is continuing to circumvent our contractual apprentice program. Waiting on reply.

M-11-22- Denial of job bid for Ryan Coleman. Authority using vague language in Journeyman posting to deny bid. Denied. Sending to Authority for opinion.

UWUA-04-22- Direct dealing with employees. Authority violated the CBA and is direct dealing with the exempt employees in denial of pay for travel to obtain Covid testing. Sent requested info to Authority. Waiting for reply.

NS-01-23- Unjust termination of employee at North Strabane. No update.

OPS-02-23- Placement of previously qualified employees back at utilities after 2 years. There is no existing language in the CBA stating as such. Union seeks employees be placed at Field Operators rate and possession in progression.

RC-01-23- Requiring boat operators to obtain crane license and operate crane outside of job description. Presented to Authority, waiting on reply.

M-01-23- Joe Baker license

RC-05-23- Employee was late on weekend all call. Was used in progressive discipline and lost grace period. Employee was then late again and was suspended. Authority has not used weekend lates as part of progressive discipline in past. Union seeks employee be placed in proper progressive discipline spot and made whole for time lost.

UWUA-04-23- Authority refusing to provide health care coverage for retiree spouse until they are aged 65. Violation of CBA at Article 2, Section 8, subsection B. Union seeks Authority cover spouse as language dictates in CBA and make retiree whole for all monies spent.

KS-04-23- Kittaning Authority in violation of past practice by unilaterally changing reimbursement of employees for frees associated with obtaining license to operate plant. Union seeks that the Authority meets to discuss the policy and until such time, continue to follow past practice.

SO-01-23- Authority issued excessive punishment for employee. Punishment does not reflect what previous offenders have received. Union seeks employee be made whole for lost time and record reflect a documented verbal warning.







SAXONBURG: Plan on hiring temporary employees for summer. Want to rewrite a job description based on an employee retirement.




EAST WASHINGTON: Removed a water tech position, no monetary value was lost.

KITTANING: Contract settled.

CREW A: Donna Rocco moved to A crew and is now Steward.

CREW B: Shonda Sable moved from B crew to C crew.

CREW C: Donna Rocco C to A, is now Steward for A. Shonda Sable B to C. Remo M is now Steward for C.


Regional Conveyance: Concerns about homeless encampments on ALCOSAN structures. RC got told that they cannot ask people to move.

Maintenance: 3 new hires.

PR/SCH-Outreach- Marie Pospisil on maternity leave.

Lab: Meeting with Michelle Buys about a sample being done too quickly. Double checked later and read extremely high for chlorine, resulting in a violation.


IW: Employee with possible suspension on license. Employee with a written for tardiness.


Safety Committee:

Cope Fund:

Old Business:

New Business: T shirt styles being voted on. Assistance to be provided for the Veteran van that was damaged in arson- adding an addition $2 per shirt to donate.

*50/50 tickets, proceeds to be donated to charities in need. Winner was Dave Stubenport.

*Question regarding how temporary staffing of the Storeroom is selected- possibility for a Storeroom utility or regular who fills in

*Contract negotiations- first negotiation date is July 5th.

Union Picnic: August 18th.